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Supporting the Cause of Justice

Laserfiche helps you manage and control the massive amounts of paperwork involved in ensuring that justice is served. Our solutions have been used in helping police departments, courts, probation offices, prisons and prosecutors help ensure that they meet objectives while using staff time effectively and minimizing costs

Law Enforcement

Managing law enforcement records is an increasingly-complex task, and the quality of your public service depends on your ability to make the most of your information. Our solutions help law enforcement agencies meet the challenges of capturing and managing lab reports, evidence photos and other case records. By complementing your RMS, Laserfiche protects case reports and ensures rapid access in ways that would be impossible with paper.

The Courts

One of the primary pain points for courts is information accessibility. With paper storage, files are easily lost or misplaced and they are difficult to find. Laserfiche provides courts with instant access to information, eliminating the costs of pulling and mailing records from off-site storage, as well as the costs of preparing and copying case files for the public. Laserfiche provides an ideal way to archive paper case files, reclaiming storage space while simultaneously increasing information availability and security.

Guarantee the reliability and integrity of case files

  • Speed case processing with workflow automation
  • Reduce manual data entry by automatically extracting data from your CMS or state database
  • Support court continuity of operations planning


What if you could operate more profitably, work more efficiently and intimidate opposing counsel with your superior preparation—without hiring more support staff?

Laserfiche enterprise content management solutions help prosecutors and other attorneys alike optimize business processes, reduce operating costs and make information both more accessible and more secure.

  • Access all your information, from the office or the courtroom
  • Manage case files more effectively
  • Enhance litigation preparation
  • Automate complex business processes